Computational Modeling of Soft Matter
Our group developed novel constitutive relations and homogenization techniques for engineered and biological soft matter undergoing extremely large deformations. Early works include a diffusion based transient network model and the maximal advance path constraint for polymeric materials. We developed a homogenization framework for nonwoven materials, used the peridynamic framework to investigate tumor growth and the relationship between cell division angle and morphogenesis, and studied growth induced instabilities in polymers, hydrogels, and the cerebellum.
Related References
Dortdivanlioglu B, Yilmaz NED, Goh KB, Zheng X, Linder C, (2021). “Swelling-induced interface crease instabilities at hydrogel bilayers,” Journal of Elasticity, 145:31-47.
Lejeune E, Linder C, (2020). “Interpreting stochastic agent-based models of cell death,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 360:112700.
Lejeune E, Dortdivanlioglu B, Kuhl E, Linder C, (2019). “Understanding the mechanical link between oriented cell division and cerebellar morphogenesis,” Soft Matter, 15:2204-2215.
Dortdivanlioglu B, Linder C, (2019). “Diffusion-driven swelling-induced instabilities of hydrogels,” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 125:38-52.
Lejeune E, Linder C, (2018b). “Understanding the relationship between cell death and tissue shrinkage via a stochastic agent-based model,” Journal of Biomechanics, 73:9-17.
Lejeune E, Linder C, (2018a). “Modeling mechanical inhomogeneities in small populations of proliferating monolayers and spheroids,” Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 17:727-743.
Lejeune E, Linder C, (2017b). “Quantifying the relationship between cell division angle and morphogenesis through computational modeling,” Journal of Theoretical Biology, 418:1-7.
Lejeune E, Linder C, (2017a). “A peridynamics framework to model tumor growth,” Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 16:1141-1157.
Dortdivanlioglu B, Javili A, Linder C, (2017). “Computational aspects of morphological instabilities using isogeometric analysis,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 316:261-279.
Lejeune E, Javili A, Weickenmeier J, Kuhl E, Linder C, (2016). “Tri-layer wrinkling as a mechanism for anchoring center initiation in the developing cerebellum,” Soft Matter, 12:5613-5620.
Lejeune E, Javili A, Linder C, (2016b). “An algorithmic approach to multi-layer wrinkling,” Extreme Mechanics Letters, 7:10-17.
Lejeune E, Javili A, Linder C, (2016a). “Understanding geometric instabilities in thin films via a multi-layer model,” Soft Matter, 12:806-816.
Javili A, Dortdivanlioglu B, Kuhl E, Linder C, (2015). “Computational aspects of growth-induced instabilities through eigenvalue analysis,” Computational Mechanics, 56:405-420.
Raina A, Linder C, (2014). “A homogenization approach for nonwoven materials based on fiber undulations and reorientation,” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 65:12-34.
Tkachuk M, Linder C, (2012). “The maximal advance path constraint for the homogenization of materials with random network microstructures,” Philosophical Magazine, 92:2779-2808.
Linder C, Tkachuk M, Miehe C, (2011). “A micromechanically motivated diffusion-based transient network model and its incorporation into finite rubber viscoelasticity,” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 59:2134-2156.